Our Sustainability Framework

Our strategy will be built around five pillars: Our Planet, Our People, Our Producers, Our Partners, Our Products. The material issues identified in our assessment have been integrated into the five pillars of our sustainability framework. Each pillar contains a set of priorities relating to our most urgent sustainability challenges as a business.

Each of our five pillars in our framework is of strategic and operational importance and together they combine to deliver on our commitment to sustainability. This framework will now steer our strategic focus, with the aim of improving overall performance in areas of climate change and social impact. In 2021 we will agree targets under each of our five pillars.

Working towards the UN SDG’s 

Agreed internationally in 2015, the UN SDGs provide a globally accepted roadmap for addressing many of the most urgent economic, environmental and social challenges. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to governments, businesses and civil society alike to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. Everyone has a role to play in achieving shared prosperity in a sustainable world - a world where all people can live productive, vibrant and peaceful lives on a healthy planet by 2030.

We have identified which of the UN SDGs we can have an impact on and have mapped them to our 5 pillars in our strategy.